
Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of 2023 Wildfire Fiber Recovery.

Maple Leaf Forestry Ltd is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the purposes of forest
reconnaissance, data collection, layout and timber cruising from June 12 – Oct 15, 2024. There will be two
company vehicles with 2-person crews for each vehicle, working primarily within the 2023 wildfire

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of establishing plots for vegetation monitoring from June 24th – 28th, 2024

Nupqu Resource Limited Partnership is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the
purposes of creating plots and plant inventories within the 2023 wildfire areas as part of the vegetation plot monitoring project on June 24th – 28th, 2024.


Contractors on site, June 10 - 14, 2024

On Monday-Wednesday, June 10th-12th, Kettle River Contracting will be onsite at Stink Lake and Unnamed Wetland to do some excavation work: deep hole tests, for the Wetland Restoration Project. Work will be focused on happening on Tuesday.

On Wednesday-Friday, June 12th - 14th, Bom Contracting will be onsite at Twin Lakes and Long Lake (and possibly Airport Wetland if time permits) to do some excavation work: deep hole tests, for the Wetland Restoration Project. Work will be focused on happening on Thursday.

Keefer Ecological Services and Vahana Nature in Long Prairie and Adrian Lake area

Keefer Ecological Services will be onsite June 10th-30th in the Long Prairie and Adrian Lake area conducting vegetation monitoring. Vahana Nature will be onsite with their goats starting on June 14th and leaving July 15th also in the Long Prairie and Adrian Lake area.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of Species at Risk Surveys, June 7-9, 2024

Lands will have contractors onsite Friday afternoon (June 7th) and evening and Saturday evening  (June 8th) doing Species at Risk surveys. This will be road based work with trucks and bird call back units. Please note that this work includes Flammulated Owls and the surveys may go as late as 2 AM.”
